One World Market Graphic

One World Market - Elmhurst

An artisan market promoting fair trade while building relationships

What is Fair Trade?

As defined by Catholic Relief Services, Fair Trade is a commitment to building relationships and includes the following commitments:

  • Paying a fair wage in the local context.
  • Offering employees opportunities for advancement.
  • Providing equal employment opportunities for all people, particularly the most disadvantaged.
  • Engaging in environmentally sustainable practices.
  • Being open to public accountability.
  • Building long-term trade relationships.
  • Providing healthy and safe working conditions within the local context.
  • Providing financial and technical assistance to producers whenever possible.

Justice and Peace Prayer

God of Justice and Peace,
Mold our consciences
According to justice
And shape our hearts
According to peace,
That we may recognize the talents
That you have given us
To secure the rights of the poor,
The oppressed, the sick
And the marginalized.
God, we are Your children.
Grant us the courage and strength
To work for justice,
And in this way,
Live out our call
To be peacemakers. Amen.